Monday, 21 March 2011

World Sparrow Day -20th March

World Sparrow Day

The World Sparrow Day (WSD) is being celebrated on 20th March across the globe to raise public awareness about the decline of the house sparrow and throw light on the problems faced by the species in its daily fight for survival.

The World Sparrow Day also celebrates the common biodiversity around us.

The first World Sparrow Day was celebrated on March 20, 2010 across the globe to celebrate the beauty of the house sparrow. National and international organisations, NGOs, clubs and societies, universities, schools and individuals across the world celebrated the event by organizing awareness programs.

The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a species of passerine bird of the sparrow family Passeridae. It occurs naturally in most of Europe, the Mediterranean region, and much of Asia. It has also been intentionally or accidentally introduced to many parts of the world, making it the most widely distributed wild bird. It is strongly associated with human habitations, but it is not the only sparrow species found near houses. It is a small bird, with feathers mostly different shades of brown and grey.

I took this Sparrow Pics when i toured Kaiwara, near Kolar

Various causes for the dramatic decreases in population have been proposed, including predation, electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, and diseases. A shortage of nesting sites is probably a factor, and conservation organisations have encouraged the use of special nest boxes for sparrows. The main cause of the decline seems to be nestling starvation due to an insufficient supply of insect food. The decline in the insect population is caused by an increase of monoculture crops, the heavy use of pesticides, the replacement of native plants in cities with introduced plants and parking areas, and possibly the introduction of unleaded petroleum, which produces toxic compounds such as methyl nitrite. Protecting insect habitats on farms, and planting native plants in cities benefit the House Sparrow, as does establishing urban green spaces
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Passeridae
Genus: Passer
Species: P. domesticus

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Super Moon-19th March 2011

In astrology, a supermoon is a full or new moon that coincides with a close approach by the Moon to the Earth. The Moon's distance varies each month between approximately 354,000 km (220,000 mi) and 410,000 km (254,000 mi) due to its elliptical orbit around Earth

The largest full moon in more than 18 years - a so called SUPERMOON did not disappoint eager skywatchers around the world SATURDAY the 19th March 2011 when in rose, big and bright, into Earth's nigth sky

The full moon of March was 221,565 miles (356,575 kilometers) on Saturday, March 19 just 50 minutes after it hit its full phase, making it the biggest and brightest full moon since 1993. The "supermoon" phenomenon occurred because the moon was in its full phase and just 50 minutes past perigee – the point of its orbit that brings it closer to Earth.

This year's biggest full moon also gained notoriety after erroneous claims that it would spark waves of natural disasters around the world

[I took the Supermoon Photos from my Residence Terrace]

Dates of supermoons between 1950 and 2050

A supermoon image of March 19, 2011There are approximately four to six supermoons annually.[3] The following is a list of past and predicted extreme supermoons.[14][15]

November 10, 1954
November 20, 1972
January 8, 1974
February 26, 1975
December 2, 1990
January 19, 1992
March 8, 1993
January 10, 2005
December 12, 2008
January 30, 2010
March 19, 2011[16]
November 14, 2016
January 2, 2018
January 21, 2023
November 25, 2034
January 13, 2036

and one of the Spider which was weaved a WEB in one night, it was attached to my vehicle near the window of my residence,  i shoot this pic

Friday, 11 March 2011

Tsunami Hits Japan

Tsunami Hits Japan, At Least 300 Dead, Warnings Issued for Hawaii
Japan was hit with a major tsunami on Friday, bringing 13-foot waves following an 8.9 magnitude earthquake off the coast.

A earthquake hit northern coast of Honshu, Japan on March 9, 2011. The Japan earthquake registered 7.2 on the Richter Scale; a 6.3 magnitude aftershock was felt shortly after.

A tsunami warning has been issued for Japan's northeastern coast. There have been no early reports of damage or injuries due to the Japan earthquake.

A local meteorological agency warned that a tsunami of about 20 inches would hit the areas of Iwate, Miyaga, Fukushima around noon Wednesday.

Japanese officials are reporting at least 300 people are dead and many others are missing, but those numbers are expected to increase as they assess the damage.

The tsunami washed away buildings, homes and cars and caused extensive damage.

The earthquake hit at 2:46 p.m. bringing with it strong aftershocks.
The earthquake is the largest in Japan’s history.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan was on TV, telling residents to remain calm in the midst of the devastation.

“The earthquake has caused major damage in broad areas in northern Japan,” Kan said, and urged people to move to higher ground.

Experts are warning more giant waves could hit land, not only in Japan, but in Hawaii, South America, Alaska, the U.S. West Coast and British Columbia.

The governor of Hawaii ordered the evacuation of coastal areas and warned residents to take the threat seriously.

The first waves to hit Hawaii could reach 6 feet high and were expected to hit about 3 a.m. local time (9 a.m. EST.)

Waves are predicted to hit the western coast of the United States between 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. EST Friday. People near the beach and in low-lying coastal areas of Point Conception in Santa Barbara County were told to move immediately inland to higher ground.

While the tsunami is likely to go around smaller islands, the size of Hawaii’s islands will amplify the waves, which will crash hardest against harbors and inlets.
Earthquakes are more dangerous (source :

Closer to the focus Communities that are closer to the focus of an earthquake usually experience stronger shaking.

Nearer to the surface Earthquakes that occur near the surface cause more damage than those deep underground.

As the shaking goes on The longer the shaking continues, the more damage it causes. The 2001 Nisqually earthquake lasted about 40 seconds. The 1700 subduction zone earthquake may have lasted five minutes.

On loose ground Loose materials—landfills and loose sediments—shake more than solid bedrock. Geologists compare this to a bowl of jelly. If it’s jostled, the bowl itself will shake just a little. But the jelly keeps on jiggling; it actually amplifies the motion.

On wet soil If loose soil is saturated with water, it may flow like a liquid when shaken in an earthquake. This process is called liquefaction. The soil loses its strength and no longer supports structures built upon it.

On slopes During quakes, slopes may slide. Also, if trees have been cut down, slopes are more vulnerable to earthquake damage. Slopes composed of loose backfilled materials may be unstable during quakes.

Near structures If you’re in the middle of a wheat field, you’re not likely to be hurt by an earthquake. Most damage—and most injuries—involve human structures. Unreinforced brick walls and chimneys can’t handle the side-to-side shaking of a large earthquake. Falling bricks are a major cause of injuries. Older concrete structures also may be unstable. And even a small earthquake may bring household objects down around your ears. Damage to lifelines—roads or bridges—can have life-changing impacts on area residents. Whole communities may be cut off from fire engines, ambulances, and supplies.

Research for safety

Although we can’t prevent earthquakes, engineering researchers are pioneering safer construction techniques to protect us from earthquake damage. Homes now are bolted to their foundations, brick and concrete are specially reinforced, and roads, bridges, and buildings are built with earthquakes in mind.